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Hello C3 Family,

May is a very special month as we celebrate our Mothers and special women that have served as a motherly role model. I pray that you take time to recognize and give thanks for the special person that goes by the name of “mom” in your life!

"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue." Proverbs 31:26

Additionally this month, let us be reminded of our call as followers of Christ to know Jesus and make Him known. This month marks a very busy month that can be filled with busyness as students try to wrap up end of school year activities, look forward to graduations, and summer break, our focus on Jesus becomes even more crucial.

Knowing Jesus is not just about knowing facts about Him; it's about having a personal relationship with Him. It's about spending time in prayer, reading His word, and allowing His Spirit to transform us from the inside out. But our call doesn't end there. We are also called to make Jesus known. This means living our lives in a way that reflects His love, grace, and truth to those around us. It means being a light in the darkness, a voice of hope in a world filled with despair as society and culture tries to move God out of every facet of life.

Let us be intentional this month about deepening our relationship with Jesus and sharing His love with those around us. Let us be known as a people who are passionate about Jesus and compassionate towards others. May this month be a time of renewal and recommitment to our vision of knowing Jesus and making Him known.

God Bless,

Pastor Michael Rodriguez, Lead Pastor