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February 2024

Dear Church Family,

As we come to the conclusion of our sermon series, Established, I want to take a moment to reflect on the journey we've shared together. Over these past few weeks, we've delved deeply into God's Word, exploring its truths and principles of what it means to live a life that is rooted and established in God's love. I hope it's been a journey of growth, discovery, and spiritual renewal, and I'm grateful for each one of you who has joined us during the series. 

Our upcoming launch of C3 Community Groups, our weekly bible studies,  presents us with an exciting opportunity to dive even deeper into Scripture, to engage in meaningful discussions, and to cultivate deeper relationships with one another as we grow together in our faith. I encourage you to prayerfully consider joining a group and allowing God to speak to you in fresh and profound ways through His Word.

Additionally, we are very excited to be launching C3 Nextgen youth ministry, later this month! Young hearts, hungry for truth and eager for fellowship, will come together to worship, learn, and serve. Please join us as we rally around our youth, offering them our support, our guidance, and our prayers as they navigate the challenges and joys of following Christ in today's world.

And as we look forward to the start of Lent next week, let us prepare our hearts to journey with Jesus to the cross. Lent is a time of reflection, repentance, and renewal – a season where we draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and acts of service. Let us use this sacred time to examine our hearts, to surrender our burdens, and to draw near to the One who gave His life that we might have life abundant and eternal.

Church family, as we stand on the threshold of new beginnings, let us do so with hearts full of gratitude for the journey behind us and hearts full of anticipation for the journey ahead. Together, let us press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14), knowing that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).

May God bless you abundantly as we embark on this next chapter together.

In Christ's love,

Michael Rodriguez Lead Pastor